Saturday 4 October 2008

Silverlight 2 RCO Version of Spectrum Emulator

So, this will probably be one of the last versions of the emulator, as I want to play with other things.  I may however still mess around with it.


This will only work on RC0, not Beta 2, and it should work on the release version when it comes out.

You can use the emulator from here

You can download the source from my skydrive:


I give everyone permission to do what they like with the source, big thanks to Joe Stegman for his PNG Encoder, and the biggest thanks to Jan Jones who create the XNA version, which is what I used as my base code.

There is loads that can still be done (Sound Support, Isolated Storage etc, may'be I'll have time, may'be somebody else will, either is cool).

I have created a project on CodePlex, I just haven't uploaded the source, feel free to do it for me, and I'll give you permission on the project.


Click your mouse within the emulator to begin

Symbol Shift is the Home Key, Remember Shift 0 is backspace, and Symbol Shift (home) P is a quote mark.

The emulator works with .SNA files, which you should be able to download from various sites and run via the Open File option, just search for .sna and whatever game. This link has JetPac, Atic Atac, SabreWulf

Click here for an the layout of the spectrum keyboard

Play with it


Anonymous said...

It looks like ZXSilverlightTestPage.aspx page doesn't work properly with Firefox 3. Use ZXSilverlightTestPage.html instead

RetroCoder said...

Nice bit of coding there. My only quibble is not about the code but the link to the games. Some of those games have not been approved for "free" release. I would recommend you use a link to the World Of Spectrum website where there is a database of games that have been approved for download. The URL is

chrishayuk said...

Thanks retrocoder, didn't realise. I assumed that since they were up in a fairly public site they were ok.

Probably a bad assumption

Anonymous said...

Awesome work, thanks for the credit too :-)

chrishayuk said...

Thank you Jan, for the superb work on the XNA version.

That's what really made it possible to do the Silverlight version.