Tuesday 26 August 2008

I Love ADO.NET Entity Framework

I have been building a new application / website in my spare time(more details in the future), and I am using it as a bit of a testing ground for playing with technologies I want to play with.

Unfortunately in my day job we are not using ADO.NET Entity Framework, so this application has been a perfect chance to play with it.

I have to say is my initial thoughts, is that I love it :)

There are some very cool aspects to this technology that I love and there are somethings that I think it would be great if they could support, but so far I love it.

The good news is that the things I don’t like about it and wish they would implement seem to already been in the plan for version 2.0.  I can’t really say fairer than that :)

I will post a little bit later more of the cool things I am really loving about it (and not liking also)

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